Where Creativity and Web Strategy Meet: The Point Collective

Starting your own business is a daring and compelling feat for any person, but for Jaime Merz of The Point Collective—it’s the ride of a lifetime. Balancing between business woman and creative super designer is a delicate dance, and she rocks it. With her wee barkers by her side, Ella and Ruby (her favorite, but don’t tell!) Jaime starts each morning off with an eager, can-do attitude. Between brewing a large coffee for breakfast and dropping her daughter off at school, she’s already weaving her mind around her daily to-do list. Design is her game and Point Collective is the name.

Even before finishing school, thanks to her dedicated design teacher, Jaime was already taking on freelance gigs. The idea that she could do what she loves passionately and get paid for it too—planted a seed. By the time she was working her first corporate gig, she was already beginning to understand that for co-workers—design didn’t always come first. It still baffles her.

“They didn’t really value creativity,” she said. “And how can you stand behind your marketing if you’re not happy with your brand?”

Carefully, she began planning her escape crafting her business plan during daily carpools. She also attributes her ability to begin to her aunt, who generously offered a safe place to launch her company. After some success she realized, “It was fun and it was cool and I was getting paid to be creative!”

Jaime’s love for her work shines through the instant she speaks of it—it extends almost as far as her enthusiasm for her clients. Jaime’s process begins with getting to know each client and tasking them with a creative brief. Filling it out may be like brain boot camp, but what she gleans from responses is nothing short of magic. She’ll pull your drive, vision, and the design you never knew you wanted, until she shows it to you. Dynamic.

In small business, there is often little time to understand search engine optimization (SEO) and web strategy, let alone figure out how to create a site that makes it happen. Luckily, Point Collective offers something most designers don’t: full web strategy. Jaime makes sure that not only does your online presence sparkle, but that it’s positioned higher on searches, draws readers in, is easy to navigate, and holds a call to action – everything visitors need to reach out to you and increase your business.

Point Collective is all about strategically positioning your products and services online. Jaime makes sure that people not only find you –but when they do, you’ll shine through.

Point Collective also regularly contributes to design work for non-profit clients, because their work is important to her. “I value the client and the project, and I really value the work they (non-profits) do,” Jaime said. She also enjoys the creative freedom and working with people and causes she values.

Perhaps it’s her die-hard enthusiasm that’s so contagious, or how much she truly cares about each of her clients, that makes “working” with Jaime as easy as hanging out with old friends. Her joy for design is infectious at best, inspiring not only your online business strategy, but a renewed belief in the value and inspiration of small business.


Interested in learning more about The Point Collective  –find them on Facebook!


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